Address: shenzhen nanshan mountain NaShanCun big nanshan taizi villa entry
Phone: 135 3069 3730
131 2885 5852
QQ: 511685071 zip code: 513000
Chinese name; Litchi
English name:
Chinese ChunXiang alias: lychees, commonly known as stone back, smelly fart worm
Latin Tessartomapapollosa scientific name: Drury
Distribution area:
Morphological characteristics: adult: 24 ~ 28 mm length, shield form, cinnamon, chest ventrally was white wax powder. Feelers section 4, dark brown. Chest forward lower part tilt; ChouXian openings in front after lateral thoracic board near places. Abdominal back red, female insect abdominal section 7 a longitudinal seam central ventrally divided into two pieces, application and can identify this feature male.
Egg: nearly spherical shape, size, 2.5 ~ 2.7 millimeters long when light green, a few forms when pale yellow, purple, often nearly hatch into pieces together 14 grain.
Nymphs: a total of five age long, oval; Since the body color red to blue, abdominal central and rim blue. ChouXian openings at abdomen both 200n back. 2 ~ 5 year-old body is rectangle. The second age approximately 8 mm, orange red length; The head, chest door Angle, antennae and outer as dark blue; the back abdomen Abdominal back has deep blue lines two, since small central oblique outward front respectively. Rim elongation of chest backboard after body side. The third age 10 to 12 millimeter length, colour and lustre is slightly after age, with the second in the chest and abdomen chest for outer rim surrounded in the first quarter. The fourth age 14 to 16 mm, length of color, with both sides before chest backplanes, its length wings buds obvious edge out of breast. The fifth age at 18 ~ 20 millimeter, colour and lustre is slightly in the back sides of shallow, chest out of third ventral fin day bud among them. What first abdomen quarter degradation. When will all be white, then feathered wax powder.
Pestcide crops:
Pestcide symptoms: adult and nymphs snorting litchi, longan, tender tip, the bud of ear and young fruit juices flowers, causing the fallen petal, full-drop, often cause ShiShou fruit production.
Classification properties: half wing (eye, branch
Prevalence: fujian and guangdong, guangxi year happen one generation, with sexual immature adult winter. Over-wintering stage adults in a cluster sex, shelter, host and a dense canopy xiangyang, also have foliage wintering in orchard houses near house page tiles inside. Following early march when the temperature reaches around 16, wintering in little adult began activities litchi and longan branch top or flowers, stay in the ear began after feeding maturity JiaoWei laying eggs, eggs from leaves more back. Besides, there are also a few its eggs on the branch top, trunk and tree body other than the place. The fecundity period since mid-march until early October 4, 5 months, for spawning stage,
Pop dynamic:
Prevention and treatment: elixir prevention: march in new shoots overwintering adults between the JiaoWei poles once, when activities to 4, 5 months young larva happen again stage spray 1 to 2 times, jet between 800 ~ 1000 times liquid effect very good, or with 20% kill chrysanthemum ester 2000 ~ 80 times liquid. Average amount of liquids bunches of spray, large area 7.5 a 10 kilograms, litchi and longan region of the pesticide used aircraft 20 times liquid, (between 30-37.5 kilograms per hectare) o
Biological control: (in a parasitic enemies libo eggs smooth abdomens small bee (Anastatus sp.), li (Ooencyrtuscorbetti eggs jumped small bee (Ferr.), the Malay yellow abdomen eggs O.m alayensis Ferr little bee (j) and yellow foot small bee (O.c rionotoeFeff.), and li (bacteria, mantis, birds, should be protected and utilization, use smooth abdomens little bee prevention, in guangdong lychee (already popularized, fujian has also experimental demonstration, in early spring into or reproductive accumulation plenty of smooth abdomens little bee, libo spawn in the beginning (put bees every 10 days, and then put a, a total of three times, general each put puts 500 head piece (female, when lychee density, and choose between liquid injection, down population density, followed after put drones.
Artificially killed. LuanKuai overwintering emigrated, picking hunted and extinguish nymphs.
First, the elimination of adult. Winter 10 ℃ low-temperature period, wintering under less activity, with adult with hook bamboo branches, make adult fierce wave DuoDe, centralized destroyed except in the tree, but adult winter, this method not only is auxiliary measures.
Second, picking LuanKuai. 3 ~ 5 months (LuanKuai libo spawn stage, picking the effect of centralized put people in simple, protect the natural protector.
Third, extinguish nymphs. Dip in with bamboo poles pierced with cow urine and grass, or human urine beaten worm body fluids, bad or heave tied with rag ball dipped in bamboo larva, kerosene, smoked fell in tree in advance of sand or pile head fine earth mix plant ash, make the corruption of the nymphs not easy on the tree, hunts.
Main natural enemies:
Commonly used the potion:
Address: shenzhen nanshan mountain NaShanCun big nanshan taizi villa entry
Phone: 135 3069 3730
131 2885 5852
QQ: 511685071 zip code: 513000
Shenzhen lychee,Shenzhen special